Specialist immunisation services provide specialised immunisation advice to healthcare professionals. These services have specialised nursing and medical staff to provide clinical advice on immunisation for children with complex or unusual medical backgrounds or who have had an adverse event following immunisation (AEFI). They can support children who have previously been affected by an AEFI by assessing and planning for immunisation and are able to answer complex questions and concerns relevant to an individual’s experience and circumstances.
In Queensland, the relevant service is the Queensland Specialist Immunisation Service (QSIS) at the Queensland Children’s Hospital.
Queensland Specialist Immunisation Service (QSIS)
Queensland Children’s Hospital
501 Stanley Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Phone: 07 3068 1111 (QCH switchboard). Calls will be redirected to a paediatric immunisation specialist.
Email: QSIS_CHQadmin@health.qld.gov.au
- The QSIS clinic includes a multidisciplinary team of senior medical, nursing and allied health staff with advanced tertiary qualifications in paediatrics and immunisation.
- The QSIS also provides a telephone advice service that is available for complex paediatric immunisation questions. It runs Monday to Friday between 9 am and 4 pm (excluding public holidays). Call 07 3068 1111 to speak to the hospital and be redirected to a paediatric immunisation specialist.
- More information about the QSIS is available on the Children's Health Queensland website.
- History of AEFI/s.
- At risk of AEFI.
- Children with an underlying complex medical condition.
- Need for post-immunisation supervision in a hospital setting.
- Families with immunisation needs that are unable to be met within the community setting.
- Children and families who require further specialist advice regarding their decision to vaccinate.
- Comprehensive consultation and development of individual immunisation recommendations.
- Counselling for those with complex immunisation needs.
- Access to funded vaccines is available through the National Immunisation Program.
- Vaccinations for inpatients, outpatients and support via telehealth.
- Bulk-billing for Medicare card holders.
- In-person and telehealth consultations.
- Note that a medical referral is required for access to either the Specialist Immunisation Clinic or the telehealth service.
- Complete the specialist medical referral form - check the “Infectious Diseases” box when completing the form.
- Send the completed referral to the Queensland Children’s Hospital either:
- by fax (1300 407 281), or
- by post (PO Box 3474, South Brisbane QLD 4101), or
- by email (chq-qch-ref@health.qld.gov.au)
- more information about referring a child to the QSIS is available on the Children's Health Queensland website.
- Referral letter.
- Child’s Medicare card.
- Child’s Personal Health Record.
- Health professionals are encouraged to contact their local Public Health Unit as their first point of contact.
- Health professionals with complex paediatric immunisation questions that cannot be answered by their local Public Health Unit can call the QSIS telephone advice service.
- To contact QSIS for immunisation advice, please call the hospital on 07 3068 1111 and you will be redirected to one of the paediatric immunisation specialists. The service is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm, excluding public holidays.
- Patients and families with immunisation and child health enquiries are encouraged to call Queensland Health 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) to speak to a health professional.